One Bread, One Body
The schedule for sacristans, Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion, lectors, altar servers, gift bearers, ushers, greeters, rosary (prior to Mass), music and money counters will follow a three-month cycle. Family members will be scheduled for the same Mass when possible, unless requested otherwise.
If you are intersted in beginning one of these ministries, contact the parish office at 701-254-4588.
Sacristan - Prepare the altar and sanctuary for Mass.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion - Assist in distribution of Holy Communion at Mass.
Lector - Proclaim God's word at Mass.
Altar servers - Assist the priest at Mass.
Gift bearers - Present our gifts at Mass.
Usher - Help with seating and collections at Mass.
Greeter - Individual or families greet parishioners with smiles as they arrive for Mass. Includes assisting/opening up doors.
Rosary - lead prayer 1/2 hour prior to Mass.
Music - provide singing and instrumental music at Mass.
Money counters - Count, record and deposit the gifts following Mass.